Write a captivating account of a young man who finds out a terrifying truth about his town. The young man had always known that there was something off about his town. It was too perfect, too idyllic. But he never could have guessed the truth: that his town was a prison, and he was the only one who knew it. He started to piece it together when he realized that no one ever left. Oh, people said they did – they went off to college or to start a new life in the city – but they never came back. And the longer he thought about it, the more he realized that everyone who left always had a look of relief on their face, as if they had finally escaped something. But what were they escaping? He couldn't be sure, but he had a feeling that it had something to do with the strange fog that rolled in every night, blanketing the town in a thick, eerie silence. No one ever talked about the fog, but he knew that everyone was afraid of it. They all locked their doors tight and prayed that it would go away. But it never did. The young man was walking home one night, thinking about all of this, when he heard a strange noise. It sounded like…screaming. He followed the noise until he came to the edge of town, where the fog was thicker than ever. And that's when he saw it: people, trapped in the fog, their screams muffled by the thickening air. He tried to run to them, to help them, but the fog was too thick and he couldn't move. He could only watch as they were consumed by the darkness. And then he realized: the fog was alive. And it was coming for him.