0COVER.pdf ONCE_ONLY_CODE.pdf once.mac 12 operator dialoge and service rout, linkage IOINI_minimal.pdf ioini.mac iomin.mac ioini1.mac 14 io initialization part 1 1ioini2.mac 5 io initialization part 2 SYSINI.pdf sysini.mac 3 system initialization SYSCON.pdf syscon.mac 10 uuo handler SYSCSS.pdf syscss.mac 3 common system subrountines SYSMAK.pdf sysmak.mac 1 make new system with the old JOBDAT.pdf jobdat.mac 1 job data area assignments CLKCSS.pdf clkcss.mac 3 scheduling algorithm COMCON.pdf comcon.mac 9 command control - the command setup routines COMCSS.pdf comcss.mac 8 command common routines COMINI.pdf comini.mac 6 the command decoder CORE.pdf core.mac 3 core allocation routine ERRCON.pdf errcon.mac 15 error handling routine for monitor detected errors IOCONT.pdf 23 control for io programmed operations IOCSS.pdf 25 io common system subroutines RUNCSS.pdf runcss.mac 14 run control subroutines SAVGET.pdf savget.mac 7 save and get commands CLOCK.pdf clock.mac 5 clock service routine PTRSER.pdf ptrser.mac 6 paper tape reader service routine PTPSER.pdf ptpser.mac 8 paper tape punch service routine CDRSER.pdf cdrser.mac 8 card reader service LPTSER.pdf lptser.mac 6 line printer service routine MTPSER.pdf 11 magnetic tape service routines - no directories DTSER2.pdf 21 executive system dec-tape service with stacking SCNSER.pdf 21 scanner service