mb, 123 ac, 0 mq, 123 t, 0 mul, cla add (-21 |16 iterations sto t mul5, cla |check whether to add add mq cyr trn mul3 |add clc |don't add trn mul4 mul3, cla |add multiplicand add mb add ac sto ac cla mul4, add (400000 |combined right shift alo |upper bit to LR add ac cyr trn mul1 sto ac |shift zero into mq cla add mq cyr trn mul2 |bit is set, flip it sto mq clc trn mul6 mul1, lpd |shift one into mq, first clear it sto ac cla add mq cyr trn .+2 |bit is set as it should be mul2, lpd |flip it sto mq clc mul6, add t add (1 sto t trn mul5 |loop cla add mq hlt |done