Orders: 00000 ha halt 00001 mh multiply 00010 ds display 00011 id identity check 00100 st store 00110 ra replace address 00111 rf return from 01000 ca clear and add 01001 ad add 01010 cs clear and subtract 01011 su subtract 01100 et extract 01110 ch charactron display 01111 sm subtract magnitudes 10000 tr transfer 10001 tro transfer out 10010 tn transfer on negative 10011 tno transfer on negative out 10100 md memory address display 10101 sof select operation field 10110 to transfer on overflow 11000 cr cycle right 11001 sr shift right 11100 pr print/punch 11110 ri read in 11111 op operate MTC (earlier WWIA): feb 1952: prototype considered (13 essential orders) (M-1402) feb 1952: WW I 1/2 (M-1407) M-1417 mar 1952: order code (M-1428) mar 1952: control timing (M-1432) apr 1952: more timing (M-1436) may 1952: M-1475 mentions four-instruction order code by Reed (E-462) may 1952: WWIA proposal reintroduced (M-1500) jul 1952: block diagram/order code exploration (M-1547) jul 1952: taylor's order code (M-1562) jul 1952: time schedule (M-1566) aug 1952: power supply (M-1592) aug 1952: memory cores, circuits (M-1605) aug 1952: shift counter agreed upon, instead of lower AR (M-1601) aug 1952: physcial layout (M-1602) aug 1952: register series delays (M-1611) sep 1952: (M-1635) nov 1952: M-1640 early march 1953: registers tested and sines and cosines are plotted (M-1887, M-1888) early may 1953: core memory test M-2134 MTC test program (source) M-2678 MTC drawings file DESIDERATA: M-1881 Memory Test Computer: Guide to Coding and MTC Operation Code